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EPISODE 26:  Friendship at the Holidays

In the Voices of Listeners and Guests

We are also asking you to please remember OURGENPOD in this season of giving. More that at any time before, we need your help.  We are just two men in our seventies trying to produce this podcast,  Its a huge amount of work and a financial drain, which comes at a time when we are experiencing a financial crisis, fending off debt collectors, facing soaring Vet bills caring for our seriously ill cat Emma -- the center of our home -- and coping with a constant state of anxiety and exhaustion.  We unabashedly plead with you to make a donation, because we know er  are doing a good thing.  Whatever you can afford will be an big help and you have our heartfelt gratitude.

With this Episode, we return to our series on  on FRIENDSHIP --A vital component at the core of this Holiday Season and our lives, which we too often neglect.

Friendship is considered increasingly critical to our health, happiness, and longevity as we age.  The U.S. Surgeon GeneraL has issued a major advisory on what he is calling  "An Epidemic of Loneliness" in our country, and we at OURGENPOD are looking into ways to combat this threat.  We hope you will join us.
For this episode, we listen to an assortment of voices from listeners and guests, sharing what Friendship means to them. It's a remarkable commentary with many perspectives -- informative, intelligent, thought-provoking, and just plain fascinating.

You will probably hear many of your own experiences, and perhaps some that never occurred to you.



This episode ends with a song we like, "Peace for Your Christmastime."  Learn more about tong on the MOUNTAINCITY page.

Thanks!  You have our heartfelt gratitude.

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